Widespread sound method of diagnostics – auscultation (hearkening to noises) known many years ago. Auscultation of breathing organs entered in practical medicine as one of major methods of diseases of breathing organs. Bronchial and vezikular noises, different wheeze, characteristic for different pathologies of breathing organs, hearken to breathings at auscultation. Like on the change of tones of heart and appearance of cardiac noises it is possible to judge about the state of cardiac.
At auscultation of lungs estimate:
• breathing character (vezikular, strict, puerile and others)
• a presence of wheezes is in lungs (it is not / yes - to describe character)
Actuality :
For hearkening to noises use stetoskopy or fonendoskopy, which differ from stetoskopov that have a membrane on a crater or capsule. This method does not allow to conduct this operation in a few points simultaneously on the surface of thorax. It limits the arsenal of diagnostic receptions, used doctors at the inspection of patients substantially.In addition, the information got during auscultatin about the actual structure of breathing sounds appears irretrievably lost after completion of inspection of patient. The computer system of registration of breathing sounds allows to save this information and to reuse it for an analysis and systematization of findings in subsequent. Those parallelism and synchronousness of entry of data opens on principle new high-quality possibilities of their treatment and analysis.
Analysis of the known decisions:
At one time stetoskopy were offered with the electric strengthener of sound, however much they got distribution, because difficulties consist not so much in weak audibility, how many in differentiation and correct interpretation of difficult sounds at auscultation, and it is arrived at only a step to basis of experience.
Present presently strengtheners do not provide the even strengthening of all frequencies of sound, that results in his distortion. Stetoskop presents the closed acoustic system in which the basic explorer of sound is air: in the case of report with outward air or closing of tube auscutation becomes not possible. A skin which the crater of stetoskopa is attached to operates as a membrane, whose acoustic properties change from pressure; at the increase of pressure of crater on a skin the sounds of high-frequency are better conducted and vice versa; at too strong pressure the vibrations of subject fabrics are braked.A wide crater conducts the sounds of low frequency better.
Rules of auscultation. Auscultation as research method must be conducted on set rules. Above all things it touches terms auscultation is conducted in which. It must be quietly in an apartment, that no extraneous noises were muffled by hearkened to the a doctor sounds, and sufficiently warm, that a patient could be without a shirt. During auscultation a patient stands or sits on a chair, in posteli,— such his position more comfortable for a doctor. It is hearkened to the heavy patients in position lying abed; if auscultation of lights is conducted,, hearing out one half of thorax, a patient is carefully turned on other side and continue auscultation.
On a skin above the surface of hearing there must not be hairs, because friction of rastrupa fonendoskopa or him mebrany at hairs creates additional sounds, hampering the analysis of auscultation of the sound phenomena. During hearing stetoskop it is needed densely all circumference to pin a patient against a skin, but not to render very large pressure, otherwise weakening of vibration of fabric will happen in the area of adjoining of stetoskopa, because of what become quiet also and hearkened to the sounds. Stetoskop a doctor densely retains two fingers. During research in accordance with the put task he changes position of patient (for example, sometimes better hearkened to diastole noise of aortic in position. It is necessary also to regulate breathing of patient, and on occasion it is offered to him to cough (for example, after the selection of sputum heard before in lungs wheezes can disappear or change the character).
Presently medical industry produces various stetoskopy and fonendoskopy which in most differentiate only by appearance. However much one of basic rules of auscultation requires, that a doctor always used a that vehicle to which he got used. Experimental doctors know it: if by chance for auscultatio of patient it is necessary to take advantage of stranger stetoskopom, at once the high-quality analysis of hearkened to the sounds becomes considerably more difficult.
The last requirement is underlined by the necessity of sufficient theoretical knowledges for a doctor, that he could correctly interpret hearkened to the sounds, and permanent training, acquisition of skill of hearing. Only in this case auscultation as a research method exposes all possibilities before a doctor.
The source of weak acoustic noises which are determined as breathing (ZD) sounds it is been: trachea, bronchial tubes and lights. It is proved that
- it is necessary to examine the source of ZD as the distributed object, being in the reserved corps fabrics of which influence on passing of acoustic wave;
- character of breathing sounds changes as far as the change of position of receiver on the corps of source, and also depending on the state of fabrics of source;
- existence of a few frequency ranges is set for the individual displays of auscultation signs.
The analysis of literary sources shows that the frequency range of auscultation signs is very wide, the scopes of frequency intervals, marked for the separate types of the auscultation phenomena, intersect.
The analysis of existent collections of respiratory noises (DSH) showed that they differentiated the basic parameters of record: by frequency of quantum on a level and at times, by duration, method of treatment, and also for-matami saving. On every auscultation phenomenon in collection usually there is one record, that hampers the estimation of descriptions of classes of the auscultation phenomena. It is shown that for the decision of problem of avtomatic analysis of ZD it is necessary to create the archive of compatible records of patternov .
The system of requirements is grounded to the parameters of model of patterna of DSH: frequency of digitization of Hertzs, that allows to register the auscultation phenomena in nizkochastotnom (to 5500 Hertzs) and high-frequency (to 13000 Hertzs) ranges; bit of analog-digital transformation of acoustic wave 16 bit, that allows to analyse an acoustic wave with amplitude less than 20 db; duration of patterna of 1,5sek << 20 cut, that satisfied acoustic requirements to registration of wide noise and physiological requirements to registration of separate phases of respiratory cycles. For a selection the area of informing signs, characterizing the timbre colouring of breathing sounds, developed and probed variant of digital filters: Battervorta of 6-ogo order and two filters of FFT, imiti-ruyuschie effects of stetoskope and fonendoskope prefixes.
Researches of influencing of not stationaryness of DSH are conducted on exactness of determination of spectral description at the analysis of intervals of dlitel'no-st'yu a to 20 sec. Influencing of parameters of interval of t is considered (his sizes, localizations in relation to beginning of row and in relation to the phases of respiratory cycle . It is experimentally proved that chart of osrednen-nogo spectrum of power, expected on the separate phase of DC, correctly ot-razhaet fact display of auscultation sign, however much the absolute value of increase of function less than, than analogical estimation, found on a spectrum, to expected on the area of localization of sign.On the basis of results of experiments a conclusion is done, that if the interval of supervision of auscultation sign does not exceed an interval which the spectrum of power ( ) settles accounts on, the got description will correctly reproduce general character of distributing of energy on chasto-tam.
Research of spectrums of power of files with the standards of breathing sounds from great numbers ““ and ““ show that this information can be used as a dividing sign only for cases with brightly cases.Periodogrammy ZD patients, being on the stage of completing finish the cure, have by sight very small distinctions with the proper charts from a class ““.
Researches of patternov of DSH of the organs of breathing registered at diseases showed that the spectrums of power of inhalation and exhalation can substantially differentiate. Expedience is proved to carry out the calculation of spectrums of power on areas noncommunicative on the phases of respiratory cycle.
Raising of research task:
For hearkening to noises 16 sensors are required in lights. To on eight on the back and breast.The next chainlet of accumulation, record and design of information is thus assumed. By sensors set on the surface of breast and back, as shown on a picture, takes place receipts of noises.Then these information can be treated on a computer by the special applied packages of design softwares.

Size file - 52 ęá ;
Size picture - 448 x 242 ;
Amount of shots - 2 ;
Amount of cycles - 8 .
It is presently possible to use modern technologies of virtual design and prototipirovaniya, in particular, package of softwares of Adobe Audition, allowing in many cases able to replace the protracted model experiments on the stage of planning. Due to possibility of presentation of spectrum of noises and spectral closeness as graphic dependences.
The developed system for the multichannel neinvaziv monitoring and diagnostics of the state of organs of respirator highway on the basis of acoustic information about the sounds of breathing includes :
are highly sensitive sensory for registration of breathing sounds
- processor block of the personal COMPUTER with set on the tire of ISA specialized
16 by the bit pay of analog-digital transformer .
- package of the special applied softwares for the analysis of the got
Registration of breathing sounds is carried out by highly sensitive pezoacselerometres with low noiseamplifier . From an output amplifier signals act on informative differential entrances 8 channel pay of ACP, where their preliminary filtration and synchronous on all channels transformation is carried out to 16 bit digital codes with the set frequency of digitization. For ocifrovki of signal sigma-delta ACP is used with built-in filters for the removal of effects of imposition of spectrums. Regenerate files are written down in a file on a hard disk and by an application package the analysis of the got results is made.
An analysis plugs in itself following:
1) information from a hard disk, their visualization.
2) and visualization of spectral closeness of power of signals
3) Estimation and visualization of respirosonogramm signals
4) channel-to-channel coherentness of spectral components of signals
5) channel-to-channel of phase delays of spectral components of signals
6) filtration of entrance signals
7)- signals
and others
Development of the medical electronic system of diagnostics of the states of lights is offered . This development will help with systematization and accumulation of information for hospital card indexes. With primineniem of the special programs an analysis and designs of findings will be possible by a modern apparatus.
One of important tasks will be a division of noises of breathing and noises of heart for simplification of determination of diagnosis. It is possible at the use of a few methods. Most high-quality, which the studied spectrum does not get worse at, there is reading of respiratory noises in an interval between cardiac tones and adaptive methods of filtration at digital treatment
List of the used materials:
1. I.A.Pochekutova, Yu.V. Fists, A.A. Tagil'cev, A.E. Kostiv « Âiagnostics of the system of breathing of man on the basis of objective analysis of respiratory»
2. V.I. Korenbaum, A.E. Kostiv "Acoustic intraskopia of lights on the basis of spectral analysis of perkutor sounds"
3. Noman Kaid Abdulla «Algorithms and hardwares of research and automatic analysis of respiratory wheezes»
4. Reyderman M.I "Issues of the day of auscultation of lights"
5. V.V.Krizhanovskiy, V.V.Krizhanovskiy-jr. "Structure and possibilities of software for the computer system of registration, analysis and classification of breathing sounds"
6. Grinchenko, G.P. Vine, A.A.Makarenkova "Sensor for auscultation on the basis of acoustic pezokeramic of bar transformer"
7. V.V.Krizhanovskiy, V.V.Krizhanovskiy-jr. "Methods of treatment of information about the sounds of breathing and their approbation"